The Joy of Membership Podcast
Most membership organizations -want- to be using best practices for membership growth and member care... but best practices are often easier said than done.There are practical realities that get in the way… too little time, not enough staff, a board that doesn't "get it", or even chapter leaders that go rogue.There’s no shortage of advice out there on best practices in membership. What WE need to talk about is how to actually make those things possible in the real world… how to be absolutely sure that growth practices are going to stick… how to make those things easier, more consistent, and even done automatically in many cases.So that’s what we talk about here, not just WHAT to do to grow membership, but HOW to actually make it all possible.If that sounds of interest, stick around. I'll be here most Tuesday mornings and welcome you to join me.
The Joy of Membership Podcast
8 Ways Technology Can Grow Your Donor Program
Joy Duling
Season 3
Episode 116
If you've been listening to this podcast for any length of time at all, you know that we talk about membership growth a lot, but there are actually LOTS of other things that membership organizations want to grow, too: donations, sponsorships, volunteers, event attendees, certification holders, non-dues revenue, and more.
With this episode, we're kicking off a special series during which we'll explore how to use technology to help you grow things that are NOT membership.
We're starting this week with growing your donor program - attracting, engaging, and retaining more donors.
I'll be curious to hear what you think.
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